Monday, September 20, 2010

I hate school.

Today, I woke up late and had to rush to get ready. I walk outside at 7:00 and start walking to my friends house because she's my ride to school. Unfortunately, she wasn't coming to school today and never told me about it. So, I had to walk to my bus stop and sit in the way back of the bus since it was full.  I finally made it to school and had to decorate my friends locker for tennis. Since I was rushing, I sadly decorated the wrong locker and realized it when I was already late for class. So i fixed it quickly and ran to the 4th floor with my friends and ran into class and got yelled at by the teacher. Then, I had to sit in a very long, boring, confusing class of pre-calc for an hour an a half. Now I'm sitting in a freezing class bored to death. That is why I hate school.