Monday, December 20, 2010

Expressive Type

click to enlarge image
Project Description: For this project, I made four examples of stacked text, figure ground reversal, symbol replacement, and ligatures. On the top of the page, I used four simple words to make stacked text. Under that, I made four figure ground reversals using different colors and fonts to make them different. In the middle of the page, I made four symbol replacements by using one or more pictures to replace a letter in the word. On the bottom of the page, I used simple words to create ligatures.
New Skills, Processes & Tools Learned: In this project, I learned how to create outline on pictures and letters. I also learned how to make ligatures for my logo project.
Tools: Rectangle tool, Typing tool
Self Reflection: I think I did a good job on this project because I was creative and completed my 16 examples. The most challenging one was the positive and negative figure ground reversal. I think I did that wrong. The easiest was the stacked text.
Part/Proj: 8/9