Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Fantasy Poster!

So here it is! My final fantasy poster. I didn't change much from the original one that I posted, but I made a few changes. First I darkened the moon a bit with the burn tool to make it blend in with the dark clouds more. Then I wanted the lightning to "pop", so I highlighted the white lighting with yellow. I used serval images to complete this poster.
                                                          I used this image for the background: 
I used this image for the sky: 
I used this image for the eagle body:
I used this image for the dragon head: 
And I used this image for the moon:

To make the lightning, I just used the paint tool and drew it on with white paint. But then I highlighted it with yellow paint to make it stand out more. I used the tutorial: to make the eagle/dragon. And I also used the tutorial: to make the sky, lightning and moon. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fantasy Poster

Heres my fantasy poster so far. I still have another week to work on it, so I'm not quite done yet. I got ideas for this poster from the two tutorials: and The first tutorial helped me make the lightning and the sky. The second tutorial helped me make the eagle/ dragon. I think there's something missing from it, so if you have any suggestions please comment below! Thanks :]