Monday, June 20, 2011

Final Exam!

For our final exam, we had to turn art into graphic design. In our class we learned that graphic design motivates and sends the same message to everyone. Using "The Persistence of Memory" artwork, I added a quote to give it meaning. To make the quote look cool, I used as a tutorial. The quote I used is "Don't let time get you down." I made the letters in "down" look like they are falling down to add effect. I made the whole thing in photoshop. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Fantasy Poster!

So here it is! My final fantasy poster. I didn't change much from the original one that I posted, but I made a few changes. First I darkened the moon a bit with the burn tool to make it blend in with the dark clouds more. Then I wanted the lightning to "pop", so I highlighted the white lighting with yellow. I used serval images to complete this poster.
                                                          I used this image for the background: 
I used this image for the sky: 
I used this image for the eagle body:
I used this image for the dragon head: 
And I used this image for the moon:

To make the lightning, I just used the paint tool and drew it on with white paint. But then I highlighted it with yellow paint to make it stand out more. I used the tutorial: to make the eagle/dragon. And I also used the tutorial: to make the sky, lightning and moon. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fantasy Poster

Heres my fantasy poster so far. I still have another week to work on it, so I'm not quite done yet. I got ideas for this poster from the two tutorials: and The first tutorial helped me make the lightning and the sky. The second tutorial helped me make the eagle/ dragon. I think there's something missing from it, so if you have any suggestions please comment below! Thanks :]

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Art Deco Poster

For this project, we had to make an art deco poster of some place people travel. I chose Hawaii and made the poster full of bright colors to make it pop. I used several different pictures and layers to make the poster using photoshop.
                                                    I used this picture as my background: 

I also used this image for the hula dancer: 

Then I used several pictures of flowers to put them behind the word "Hawaii." 

I used this tutorial: for the background and the hula dancer to make the colors brighter and to make it pop. I made the whole poster using photoshop. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New & Improved color theory video!

Heres my new, edited color theory video! The sources are the same as the old video. I just fixed my images to make it look neater. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Three logo designs

This is one of my first logos that I made of my initials. Its just a simple black box with rounded edges, with lines on each side and my initials in the lower left hand corner. The letters have three different colors in them so I made the lines the same colors to make it match.

Click to enlarge

This logo is of my full name. As the first logo, the background is a simple black box with rounded edges. But this is more of a rectangle than the first logo. I connected the "M" in my first name and the "W" in my last name together to make it some what of a ligature. The letters are purple and the line underneath my last name is purple and yellow. And to make my name pop, I replaced the dot above the "i" into a purple and yellow star.

Click to enlarge
This logo uses a symbol to replace a letter in my last name. I used a flower to replace the letter "i". I put the whole name on top of a think curved green line to kind of make it look like grass. I made the rest of the letter pink to make it match with the flower pedals. I made the flower with the paint brush tool.